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227. Values are Verbs

By Patrick Lencioni - May 2024

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227. Values are Verbs

At the Table with Patrick Lencioni

Episode Summary

An organization’s culture lives through its values, and values are first demonstrated in hiring.  This week, Pat, Cody, and Beau discuss the institutionalization of culture through the intentional application of values.


Operationalizing Core Values: The Key to Organizational Success

The Essence of Core Values in Business

Core values are the heart of a company’s identity, but they should be more than just words on a page. They need to be operationalized—integrated into every aspect of the organization’s operations. During the discussion, Pat emphasized that core values should be a concise list of 2 or 3 behavioral attributes that are non-negotiable for the organization. These values are the litmus test for everything the company does, from hiring to decision-making.


Aligning Values with Actions

Pat shared a compelling example of a team that professed integrity as a core value, yet found themselves on the brink of unethical behavior. This disconnect between stated values and actions is all too common and highlights the need for alignment. To identify true core values, we must observe and dissect the behaviors of employees who naturally embody what we desire for our organization, contrasting them with those who fall short.


The Recruitment and Onboarding Process

Operationalizing core values begins with recruitment. It’s essential to actively seek out individuals who exhibit the core values and screen potential hires accordingly. Once on board, new employees should be immersed in the company culture through stories and examples that reinforce the organization’s values. This sets the tone for their tenure and ensures a consistent understanding of what is expected.


Values as a Management Tool

The team delved into the significance of using values as a management tool. Integrating core values into performance conversations allows for a framework that focuses on behaviors and performance, moving beyond mere rule-based compliance. This approach fosters a culture where values are not just guidelines but the basis for every action within the company.


Beyond Bureaucracy: Living the Culture

Institutionalizing company culture goes beyond bureaucracy. It’s about creating a living, breathing culture where values are experienced daily. Hiring, managing, and rewarding employees based on their alignment with the company’s values is crucial. Pat recounted a story about a company that, while not a personal fit for him, admirably maintained professionalism and consistent standards by aligning their hiring and management practices with their clear values.


Celebrating Value-Aligned Behaviors

Beau highlighted the importance of recognizing and celebrating employees who exhibit the company’s values. It’s not just about compensation; it’s about acknowledging their contributions to the culture and rewarding them for it.


Connecting Values and Staffing

Cody introduced the topic of upcoming industry-specific webinars focused on teamwork, Working Genius, and staffing. They discussed the connection between values and staffing, emphasizing the importance of finding the right people and allowing them to thrive. These webinars are designed to help organizations improve their hiring and staffing processes, ensuring a better fit between employees and company values.


Family Values: A Parallel to Business

They also took a moment to recommend “The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family,” a book that serves as a valuable resource for families to establish and align with their values. Just as in business, running a family with intentionality can lead to a more harmonious and less frantic life. This book is a tool that can help families lead with purpose, much like successful businesses do.



In conclusion, operationalizing core values is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity for any organization aiming for long-term success. By aligning values with behaviors, using them as a management tool, and living the culture every day, companies can create a strong foundation for growth, employee satisfaction, and a positive impact on the world.

Staffing Industry Webinar – Tuesday, May 21:

Frantic Family: